Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church in Mosinee, Wisconsin.
Even though we have been a part of Mosinee for over a hundred years, we are part of the larger denomination the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA.
For more information on our denomination please visit www.elca.org.
The ELCA is made up of Regions and Synods in the United States. We are in Region 5 and part of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin. Bishop Anne Edison-Albright is our synod's Bishop. For more information on a synod level, please visit www.ecsw.org.
Within the synod there are Conferences. Our church is part of the Wisconsin River Valley Conference. We are a wide area of North Central Wisconsin covering from Tomahawk all the way down to Mosinee.
Our church has one pastor, Pastor Phyllis Smoot, and one custodian, Ian Welsh.
We have a Church Council that is the leadership team of the congregation.
The people of St. John are a Christ-centered community of believers brought together by our common faith.
We welcome all including those new to the community, new to our church, new to the faith and those returning to the faith.
You can find out more about us by navigating our website. If you have any questions, please use the e-mail address on the Contact Us page or call the church office at (715) 693-3420.We hope to meet you soon!